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Friday, August 30, 2019



Gs Nguyễn Hữu Chi sinh tại Nam Định, Bắc Việt. Ông Cố Nội của Gs Chi là Nhà Thơ Nguyễn Khuyến. Gs Chi di cư vào Nam sau Hiệp Định Genève 1954. Năm 1961 Gs Chi tốt nghiệp PhD Political Science tại Đại Học Michigan. Gs Chi về dạy tại Học Viện QGHC năm 1965 và được Thủ Tướng Phan Huy Quát mời làm phụ tá đặc biệt về CẢI TỔ HÀNH CHÁNH. Năm 1966 Gs Chi được bổ nhiệm làm Tỉnh Trưởng Tỉnh Quảng Nam như là một thí điểm đầu tiên về Tỉnh Trưởng Dân Sự, nhưng đã không thành công. Vì tình trạng Đảng Phái QG phức tạp, VC hùng cứ tại đọan đường mòn huyết mạch Hồ Chí Minh thuộc Tỉnh Quảng Nam.

Năm 1967 Gs Chi tranh cử trong một liên danh thượng nghị sĩ độc lập của Tỉnh Bình Dương. Liên Danh được dân chúng cổ động mạnh mẽ, được tín nhiệm rộng lớn tưởng sẽ đắc cử dễ dàng nhưng kết quả lại bị lọai vô cùng bí mật. 
Năm 1968 Gs Chi rời VNCH, được Do Thái mời dạy  tại Phân Khoa Học Xã Hội,Tel Aviv University. Sau đó Gs Chi chuyển đến dạy tại đại học Alberta và bắt đầu từ năm 1971 Gs giảng dạy thường trực tại Carleton Uni, Ottawa cho đến khi về hưu. Gs Chi cũng đã ấn hành nhiều đề  tài nghiên cứu qua nhiều vai trò và vị trí khác nhau trong lãnh vực sưu khảo đại học.

"Nguyen Huu Chi counted amongst his proudest achievements the open futures he was able to offer his children with Thuan Vu: Lily, Associate Professor of Architecture at Cornell University; Vivi, Director of Transportation Planning for the City of Ottawa; Charles, entrepreneur and venture capitalist who served as Chancellor of Carleton University (2012-17); and Kim, Chief Medical Officer of BC Cancer and Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Chi's memory will be cherished by Nga Ninh, his wife of 25 years; his sister Thi Thinh; his children, and entire extended family."

Gs Nguyễn Hữu Chi đã mãn phần gần đây vào ngày 22-8-2019 tại Ottawa, thọ 83 tuổi. Để lại nhiều thương tiếc trong gia đình và ĐỒNG MÔN QGHC Khắp nơi trên thế giới./-TCL


Nguyen Huu Chi was a political scientist, author, activist, and philomath whose life personified some of the defining turbulence of twentieth-century world affairs. Born in Nam Dinh, he grew up in a Vietnam still under French colonial rule. His great grandfather was the renowned poet Nguyen Khuyen, an anticolonialist who took part in the early resistance movements before retiring to pen literary and critical works that would become required highschool reading. Chi's father gave up a post as village chief to work in the mines, and then as a teacher. Sent to the capital to live with his uncle, director of Hanoi's central post office, Chi received an elite French education. Emigrating to Saigon following Vietnam's partitioning by the 1954 Geneva Conference, Chi obtained his Licence en Droit, mention très bien, while majoring in Anglo-American literature and civilization at the Faculty of Pedagogy. In 1961, he left Vietnam on a US scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. in political science at Michigan State University. 

Returning to Saigon in 1965, Chi began teaching at the National Institute of Public Administration, but was soon pressed into public service. He was invited by Prime Minister Phan Huy Quat to work as special assistant on administrative reforms throughout the new Republic of Vietnam, and, in 1966, was appointed Governor of Quang Nam Province. The posting was a US-backed pilot project that sought civilian personnel to replace military leadership and to counter communist radicalization of local populations. Quang Nam Province was particularly sensitive: less than 200 km south of Hue, it was the exit point of the famous Ho Chi Minh trail used by the North to infiltrate South Vietnam. Charismatic, striking in stature, and fluent in three languages, Chi's progress in the region drew several assassination attempts by southern communists threatened by a popular governor, and by South Vietnamese officers who resented his anti-corruption policies. Captured and sentenced to death by activist Buddhists in a coup attempt led by General Nguyen Chanh Thi, Chi negotiated his own release. Upon the coup's failure, he was awarded the highest medal reserved for civilians, and appointed director of political affairs by Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky. 

As it became apparent that his anti-militaristic views were problematic for the military leadership, Chi sought a mandate for an independent political voice. In 1967 he ran for a seat in the newly created Senate, forming one of ten members of a lien danh that would represent the province of Binh Duong. Despite enthusiastic support for their vision of reciprocity between government and citizenry, and aspirations for Vietnamese self-determination, apparent victory at the polls was mysteriously nullified - an experience that proved a litmus test for Chi. 

Chi left Vietnam in 1968, heading to Israel where he had been invited to teach in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University. Seeking a more permanent home for his young family, he moved to Canada, taking up a post-doctorate in political science at the University of Alberta, then a teaching position in the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University. In 1971, Chi joined the faculty of Carleton University's Department of Political Science, where he served as Department Chair, and taught until his retirement. 

Chi's research interests spanned international relations, comparative politics, political violence, mathematical modeling, and computer simulation. Ever the curious and restless mind, he was an omnivorous autodidact who experimented with lacquer inlay and clothes design, converted an empty parking lot into a verdant Eden, and built a retirement home from scratch in rural Costa Rica with hand tools and a pregnant horse. He also composed poetry, music, and wrote a Vietnamese novel of some acclaim under the pseudonym Khong Co Chi--a multi-meaning word play that hints at the black humor of Xuan Ha (The Survivors). 

Public service and politics remained Chi's passion. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association from 1973-75, and Secretary Treasurer from 1979-81. Throughout the 1980s, he contributed actively to Ottawa's refugee resettlement programs with service on the Board of Directors of the Ottawa-Carleton Immigrants Service; the Van-Lang Public Housing Project; the Multi-Ethnic Council of Dalhousie; and the Ottawa Public Housing Corporation. A deep sense of justice, and more than a little idealism spurred him in 1979 to act as political advisor for the Council of National Liberation of Haiti, one of many groups seeking the popular overthrow of "Baby Doc" Duvalier at this time. Of this challenging effort, Chi wrote in his autobiography: "Friends have asked me why Haiti? ...Given the intolerable socio-economic conditions of Haiti under the most corrupt and despotic ruler in this hemisphere, any person of conscience would have to think or do something." 

Nguyen Huu Chi counted amongst his proudest achievements the open futures he was able to offer his children with Thuan Vu: Lily, Associate Professor of Architecture at Cornell University; Vivi, Director of Transportation Planning for the City of Ottawa; Charles, entrepreneur and venture capitalist who served as Chancellor of Carleton University (2012-17); and Kim, Chief Medical Officer of BC Cancer and Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Chi's memory will be cherished by Nga Ninh, his wife of 25 years; his sister Thi Thinh; his children, and entire extended family.

Published on August 28, 2019